Thursday, January 17, 2008

Northern Virginia Home Education Conference - 2008 Conference

The fifth annual Northern Virginia Home Education Conference will be held on July 11-12, 2008 at the Dulles Expo & Conference Center. This conference provides a vast cross-section of exhibitors who are ready and able to provide you with the tools you need to meet the educational needs of all of your students. Additionally, we offer a Mommy & Me Room just for you and your little one with a video feed to one of our workshop rooms, a Demonstration Area with demonstrations from area athletic and performing arts companies, a Used Book Sale on Saturday, fantastic Door Prizes from many of our exhibitors, local radio stations and local businesses AND a full-service Food Court open throughout the conference - all of this at a the conveniently located Dulles Expo Center and at a great price.

This year's Keynote Speaker is Andrew Pudewa, director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and a homeschooling father of seven. Presenting throughout North America, he addresses issues relating to teaching, writing, thinking, spelling, and music with clarity, insight, practical experience, and humor. His best endorsement is from a young Alaskan boy who called him "the funny man with the wonderful words." He and his beautiful, heroic wife Robin currently teach their four youngest children at home in Atascadero, California. Our Featured Speaker is Jim Weiss. storyteller for over 25 years. He and his wife, Randy, formed a production company, Greathall Productions, and have thus far produced 40 storytelling recordings with enticing titles from classical literature, such as Greek Myths, King Arthur and Sherlock Holmes. His recordings are highly praised and recommended by practically every homeschooling journal and professional and he has received over 80 national
awards. Other speakers include Jessie Wise, Wade Hulcy, Maggie Hogan, Tammy Duby, John Jenkins and Steve Demme. You can find more information on all the conference speakers and workshops that they will be providing on the conference website at www.novaconference. net .

Registration is now available online. Conference registrations are $30 for both Friday and Saturday [spouse free], $20 for Friday Only [spouse free], $25 for Saturday Only [spouse free] and $15 for Shopping Only [both days/spouse free]. Registrations will be $5 additional at the door on conference days. Take advantage of this money and time-saving opportunity and register today! Email us at registration@ novaconference. net to request a PDF or a printed registration form. Mailed registrations must be postmarked by July 1, 2008. Online registration will be available until midnight on Sunday, July 6, 2008. Volunteers always play a very important role in our conference and are needed in Move In/Move Out, Registration and as Workshop Hosts/Hostesses. You can earn a free registration or a discount on your registration! Contact Dee Scott at novavolunteer@ if you would like to volunteer.

For Registration Questions, email registration@ novaconference. net or call 888-560-8080 [toll-free]. For complete information on the conference, check the conference website at www.novaconference. net Check back often for continuing updates as we approach the date of the conference. Be sure to tell your homeschooling friends about the conference!